Friday 23 May 2008

rounders and bayshing marfoun competition

year 5 & 6 is taking part in a rounders competition next term for fun in July at Elgar technology
collage before year 6 leave and year 5 & 6 are taking part in bayshing marfoun in next half term at nunnywood high school.

Thursday 22 May 2008

Our Environmental Garden Project

Today a lady called Mrs.Helliwell came in to help improve our environmental garden, like take out the weeds on our path and plant some flowers, putting a veggie patch, a flower and herb garden, and put stuff on the like sunflowers, french beans,ivy, flowers on the edge of the path, lily pads in the pond and on the outside of the pond reeds,iris marginal plants.
She is helping us plan a planting project to improve our school garden. By Charlie Cooper

photos to follow

Thursday 7 February 2008

Friday 7 December 2007

The Year 6 and 5 Tag Rugby Tournament

On Thursday 6th December, 26 pupils from Year 5 and Year 6 went to Worcester Rugby Club to take part in an inter-school Rugby tournament with other Worcestershire schools.

The rugby team came in 2nd place, they did very well at the tournament. We didn't qualify for the final on Saturday 19th January 2008. Also, we tried our best in all the matches to be a good team when the entire matches were completed.

These are some of the opinions of people that went to play in the tag rugby tournament:

This is Ryan’s point - "I enjoyed it and I felt tired but happy to play. I was pleased to come in 2nd place with my team."
This is what Grant has to say - “I enjoyed it and I was nervous.’’
This is Jess B's comment - “I really enjoyed it! It was amazing even though we came in second it was cool.”
This is what Kieran said - “I was muddy and I enjoyed it but best of all we all worked as a team.”
This is what Jess had to say - “I was excited about coming 3rd, I was amazed we came in 2nd place.”
This is what Sian had to say - “I was very nervous. I've been there before and I was scared.”

We would like to thank Mr. P and the other staff that took us there.

By Eleisha, Charlie and Callum (Year 6 pupils)

Friday 16 November 2007


On Thursday 15th November, The Fairfield Community Primary School football team had a match against Warndon Junior School. This is the response of some of the players from year six:

"The football match was good, because I played brilliantly on left wing. Every time I got the ball, I crossed it to Macca or Grant." (Luke Y6)

"I thought the football match was outstanding, because we worked as a team. I felt delighted that we won." (Macca Year 6)

"I think the football game last night was brilliant , because Macca and I scored a goal.The match ended as 5 to us and 1 to Warndon." (Grant Year 6)
"The football match was great, because Macca scored a cracker!" (JordanY6)

Friday 9 November 2007

Year Six Cycling Proficiency

This week we were taking part in the Cycling Proficiency Scheme. We learned how to do right turns and left turns and how to do slowing down signals. At the end of the week, we needed to do a test. If we pass we are legally allowed to ride on the road, and we get a certificate and a badge.

Posted by Tiffany & Jess

Thursday 18 October 2007

Welcome to the Year 6 @ Fairfield Blog!

Welcome to our first Weblog. While we learn how to edit and publish our work on a regular basis, please enjoy a preview of things to come...

MULTIMEDIA POETRY: Year 6 Multimedia Poetry - Created using Windows Movie Maker

WEST MALVERN OUTDOOR EDUCATION CENTRE: Teambuilding, taking risks, taking part and having fun!

Please continue to visit our Blog - we will be updating it regularly and keeping you informed about our continuing adventures in Year Six...